The Skin, The Thyroid and More

When you think of skin, people generally don’t think about the thyroid gland. But the two are closely related.

If not enough thyroid hormone is produced, then dry itchy skin, along with cracks in the fingertips and hands (especially in winter) can be a consequence.

How about the face?

Facial skin can be very much affected by thyroid activity. If the overall skin is dry, then the face will likewise be dry, flat and prone to wrinkles. Those crow’s feet around the eyes will also become more prominent.

What about supplementing with iodine?

What happens to the skin when replenishing the body with iodine? 

  • Skin gets softer... 
  • Skin gets moister... 
  • Skin starts becoming more supple - almost reversing the effects of time.

Every skin cell in your body has a receptor for the thyroid hormone. If there is not enough thyroid hormone circulating around, the skin will slowly dry out. Pump up the thyroid with iodine and the skin responds from the “inside out.”

Here's another little skin care secret:

By adding some omega-3 (fish oil) and other essential fatty acids – the skin develops a natural oily moisture - similar to what we used to have in our younger days. With the exception of the Japanese and Native Aleutian diet, virtually everyone is deficient in essential fatty acids (fish oils). These are critical for maintaining the integrity of the oil producing glands of the skin, and can even add a pleasant, youthful sheen to the face!

Estrogen - another hormone secret:

When a woman is pregnant, their skin almost always looks far better than beforehand. The simple explanation for that? When pregnant, hormone levels of estrogen and progesterone go up by a hundred-fold.

That pregnant “glow” to the skin is mainly due to increased estrogen. 

So for women, another secret to fabulous facial skin is adding a little bit of a bio-identical estrogen cream to the face. Just a little a dab will do it. (Remember that hair care commercial?)


Add a quality beautifying cream

The final piece of the puzzle is using a high quality beautifying and rejuvenating cream or lotion. Especially effective are products containing Argan Oil, JoJoba Oil, Hyaluronic Gel and similar skin friendly formulations. They may be expensive, but well worth it, especially when you combine them with the methods mentioned above.

Putting it all together, a total skin-care package...

Many women with dry skin can spend thousands of dollars on cosmetic products and get lackluster results. This single “outside in” approach isn't very effective.


A better method is to combine the “outside in” with the “inside out” approach. This can be done by:

  1. Taking iodine supplements (IodinePlus2)

  2. Taking omega-3 supplements

  3. Using a bio-identical estrogen cream on the face (Estro500)

  4. Using a high-end beautifying and rejuvenating cream or lotion

This is the ideal “inside out” method for eliminating dry skin. This makes moister looking skin, with a sheen over the entire body. Imagine! A younger looking face - with far fewer wrinkles and crow’s feet.

This approach is far more advanced than just using any single product – because now you'll be focusing on and nourishing the total body!

Andrew Jones, M.D.

Order IodinePlus2 Now!

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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